Optionally a composited bumpmap and emissionmap can be saved, but these are experimental and may not be useful. The composited diffuse and specular textures are also saved. The mesh can then be saved in a choice of mesh formats. This is a tool to read TS4 save files, list the sims, and create a mesh of the sim with all the appropriate morphs applied, hopefully duplicating the appearance of the sim in the game. SimRipper version 4 and up on Github: (V4 has NOT been updated for the latest patches and should not be used at this time.) SimRipper on Discord will be maintained and improved by thepancake1 when he's able to do so. PLEASE REPORT ALL PROBLEMS, WITH SUPPORTING ERRORS, FILES, ETC.

I am again maintaining this tool here on MTS as TS4 SimRipper Classic, currently version 3.14.2.